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Glory Talk

Nov 23, 2020

Before the Glory Talk podcast, Roz Mignogna did a series of INCREDIBLE podcasts with the fabulous Kathleen Chapman, "The Kid Expert" on her Real Food Family blog. 

Original Show Notes:

Every parent has experienced that moment of pure frustration and said “THIS IS THE HARDEST STINKIN’ JOB IN THE WORLD- AND I DON’T EVEN GET PAID!!!”…or something close to that.

Usually those moments aren’t when you are experiencing warm fuzzy moments with your children. Those moments typically occur during or shortly after a TANTRUM as you frantically search the kitchen for chocolate. Or ice cream. Or whatever is strong enough to ease the stress of feeling like you’re doing everything WRONG!

Today Kathleen and I are taking on this wonderful subject: TANTRUMS AND MISBEHAVIOR AT ANY AGE.

This topic is too important to cover in just one podcast. This is part one of this topic, covering the REDs and the YELLOWs mostly. We will cover GREENs and BLUEs next time and most likely revisit this topic often.